16. February 2021
NOCARBforging 2050
Target: CO₂-neutral industrial processes by 2050
Global warming, climate catastrophe, CO₂ emissions – no topic has been more in the focus of public discussion over a longer period of time in recent years than these. Sustainable management, especially with regard to the environment, is a megatrend and is reflected as an overarching political and social leitmotif in the new EU Commission’s “Green Deal”, among other things. The defined goal is climate-neutral industrial production by the year 2050.
Every company must therefore face up to the task of reducing CO₂ emissions. Last but not least, pressure to reduce CO₂ emissions and other climate-relevant gases is also being generated by customers (some of which are already relevant to procurement) and the financial sector (criteria for investments and lending).
In addition to the energy sector, companies in the steel and metal production and processing sectors are strongly in the public eye as energy-intensive industries. Climate change could be THE future issue for the massive forming industry!
For this reason, the Industrial Association for Solid Forming (IMU) has been bundling its activities since autumn 2020 with the goal of CO₂-emission-neutral solid forming under the term “NOCARBforging 2050”.
The contact person at the Industrieverband Massivumformung is Tobias Hain. You can find more information here.
(Source: Industrieverband Massivumformung e. V.)